Things to do in The Hague

Lesser known than its big brother/sister counterparts Rotterdam and Amsterdam, what The Hague misses out on in fame, it more than makes up for with unique things to do.

From (potentially!) brushing shoulders with royalty to standing face to face with the Girl with a Pearl Earring, there is plenty to enjoy in The Hague during an extended stay. Here are some of our recommendations:

Recharge Your Batteries at Meijendel

Meijendel is a nature reserve located between The Hague and Wassenaar. While it may have a darker WWII past, nowadays it is a beautiful landscape teaming with wildlife. A location perfect to explore no matter the season. Don't miss the Pannenkoekenhuis Meyendel if you are feeling hungry after one of your walks.

Visit the Museums

Like most Dutch cities, The Hague has an ample supply of museums, some of them even world famous, which means your extended stay get put to good use as you visit even more of them. Mauritshuis, the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag, and The Hague Museum of Photography are obvious choices. But don't miss out on Panorama Mesdag, the Louwman Museum, Voorlinden, the Prison Gate Museum, and—especially for the kids—Museon.

Feel Like Royalty in the City

The Dutch Royal Family has plenty of connections with The Hague. Catch a glimpse of Noordeinde Palace, Huis ten Bosch, and Villa Eikenhorst on the estate of Koninklijke Landgoederen de Horsten. Don't forget a visit to the Binnenhof and the Peace Palace to round off your royalty feeling with a governmental one!

Eat at the Beach Pavilions

If there is one thing almost all residents of The Hague enjoy, it's the annual arrival of the beach pavilions in the summer. And you too can enjoy them during an extended stay in The Hague. Head to the Scheveningen beach, and you'll be spoiled for choice.

Learn Something New

Due to the many embassies and international organisations located in The Hague, there is a thriving expat community in the city. That means that there are plenty of activities and courses available in English and other major languages. Go horseback riding, learn to surf, or expand your foreign language skills. Whatever you choose, all are possible in The Hague.