Making an Impact with Corporate Housing Factory

Say Hello to a green future!

Everyone’s talking about the climate crisis we are facing. 6 billion tons of plastics end up in our landfills each year. The world’s ozone layer is gradually disappearing causing sea levels to rise. That’s especially bad news for The Netherlands (which lies almost 7 metres below the sea). Add to that world poverty… and you are left with a particularly dark outlook on the future. That is - unless, we as a humanity start living more sustainably.

Just like you, we at Corporate Housing Factory care about the world we live in. Sustainability is not only truly important to us, it is part of our DNA. That’s why we proudly like to share with you how we, together with our residents, contribute to a greener society! Here’s what we do so far:

Stay with Us and Make Impact          

Did you know that CHF is sponsor of Homeplan since 2018 and that we even became Key Sponsor in 2021? This brilliant organization is building homes for the poorest people in developing countries. It’s simple – with every made booking, you donate money to support the mission. When you rent one of our serviced apartments, your keys will include a birdhouse key chain with a QR code. This will redirect you our Homeplan webpage, where you can read how you are making a difference. The focus is communities in Africa and Latin America. Check out this video to learn more.

Leave the Car At Home

If that weren’t enough, we also make the extra step to a green future by encouraging our guests to use public transport. Recently, we were part of the OV-buddies project led by HelloZuidas. Five of our awesome team members skipped the car and took public transport to the office. The Dutch public transport system is extremely reliable and reaches almost every part of the Netherlands. Plus, taking the train or bus saves you the hassle and expenses of parking (especially in bigger cities). Be sustainable – leave the car behind. You can buy your OV-chipkaart here :)

The Rubbish System

As we mentioned in earlier articles, the Dutch are serious about going green. We have a very efficient rubbish segregation system, but it does require some minimal effort  - also from our guests! That means sorting rubbish. Easy peasy, since you’ll be able to dispose plastic, paper and glass in the specially marked bins at our properties!

Look for Green Labels

When you choose to stay at Corporate Housing Factory, we will provide you with a shampoo and gel set. Mind you, that is ecological as well! If you are serious about sustainability and green living, pay attention to the washing liquids and cosmetics you buy. These end up in our waterways, and if you choose the ecological, natural ones – you will do a favour for the environment and your skin. Our supermarkets are full of such alternatives. Just keep an eye out for them.

Save Water, Save Energy

That’s a pretty obvious one… if you leave the apartment, you can do the planet a big favour by turning down the temperature. Or turning off the tap when it’s not necessary. We may feel like our choices make little impact, but if everyone becomes more sustainably conscious, the change will become substantial! Drops of water make the ocean.

Paperless Apartments

Instead of printing endless piles of flyers, we have decided to go digital. For useful information for expats (and not only!), tips about what to see and do (or inspirations  for dinner J) during your short stay – just download our MyCHF app in the App Store or Google Play Store, or scan the QR code inside the apartment. It will link you to everything you need to know, while you spare the trees!